Eating healthy isnt as bad as i thought


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We finally had to go to the store today. I tried so hard to keep my hands off of anything processed and full of high fructose corn syrup. Very hard to do by the way. I ended up being mostley successful… I just had to get 2 cans of mini beef ravioli though. Its just so freaking good man! Other than that i got at least one of everything in the produce section. I was very surprised, we still have chicken patties and frozen fries in the freezer, packets of koolaid etc, and Dan still ate a salad and a glass of water for lunch! It looked so good I had some too. It feels so refreshing to eat a salad. I didnt realize how long it had been. The last time I ate a salad was when I went to applebees about 2 months ago and ordered a roasted pecan salad (For almost $11 blah). It is 11:22 PM and i still feel pretty energized. Our first real day eating healthy didnt go too bad. Now on to my next challenge: What to eat for tomorow.

Im hoping this change in diet will really help us all clear our minds. I know I have been under a lot of stress. Life is changing for us right now and its very difficult. I havent been dealing with it very well right now and i need to be able to just take a deep breath and let God handle it all. Im trying too hard to take it into my own hands and its like i have to know the whole plan right now. Unfortunatly, its not going to happen and it sucks. I have pretty much been sulking the last few days and i need a mood booster. Washing out all the toxins in my body, and giving myself and baby the nutrients we need should help me keep a clear mind.

So with that, I will head to bed and we shall see what tomorow brings.

Daylily Stir Fry


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Yesterday, we had NO food in the house. So i decided to use a new recipie. I didnt tell my husband though. If he knew what it was, he probably wouldnt try it.

– daylily buds

– flour

– eggs

– nutmeg

– salt and pepper

– garlic

– olive oil

I started to heat up the oil and garlic in the skillet, while I mixed flour, nutmeg, salt, and pepper. Then I added the egg and dipped the daylily buds in the mixture. I just fried them with the garlic and threw them in with some random veggies i had steamed in another pot. Bam. That was it. Dan said it was super tasty and ate it all. Then later he asked me if they were some kind of fried breaded green beans… lol I said. YUP! thats what it is… lol

He still doesnt know. 😀 I guess this ones approved for the dinner rotation. haha

Only thing is, it needs some kind of sauce with the veggies. I ate some of the buds just dipped in homemade catalina dressing and it was pretty good. Tasted just like something you would get at a chineese resteraunt. Catalina wouldnt taste good with the veggies though.

Cloth Diapers and Canning


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I bought a pressure canner at a garage sale. Today I tested it out to make sure it worked and I can’t figure it out! We had a pressure canner before, but we had it rigged and lost the weight. (Good old-fashioned moonshine!) Anyways, The canner has this little back dot on the lid, beside were the weight goes. All my pressure was escaping that hole and the weight didn’t show anything. Whats going on? Does anybody know? I tried to look on the internet and couldn’t find anything. I’m thinking it might be broke, but whats the dot SUPPOSED to be for? While I try to figure out my canner though, I’m still enjoying my vegetable garden. All my green bean plants are doing great, but my tomatoes and peppers are a little over watered. Oops. This gardening thing is trickier than I thought but im learning so much! It is all a process. My husband and I talked in the car today on the way to get milk for the baby, about cow’s milk vs. goats milk. He went to school with a girl who became a vet and has her own hospital down the road from us. She has a field full of goats and i may have to stop and say hi. Maybe I can get some goats milk? I read on the frugal girl’s blog her post about unpasteurized milk today after my talk with Dan – perfect timing! I have reposted this a few minutes ago. I mentioned before i wanted to try cloth diapers. I finally found the plastic covers in Dom’s size today. Its going to take me some practice to get it done fast enough for Dom to be happy. I keep fiddling around with it thinking it’s not on perfect and it’s going to leak. To my suprise, it never leaked. He hasn’t pooped yet though. So far he has gone through four diapers. I just put him to bed but i used a regular diaper. He always wakes up soaked. I hope once these diapers we have are gone I will be used to it and can put them on at night. Somebody told me today about how they tried cloth diapers and it lasted only a week. It was very discouraging because it reminded me how hard its going to be. If they couldn’t do it, then how could I? I have tried to take it as a challenge though, I am determined! I have to try to turn negativity into something good! I have to let it inspire me to do what I set out to do. I have a mission and a vision. I have to do this.

The Raw Milk Debate

Jessie : Improved

Here in Georgia, it is illegal to sell raw milk for human consumption.  The only ways to get raw milk to drink here are to drive across the border (South Carolina is a nice choice, they sell it in grocery stores), buy yourself a cow, or buy milk labeled for “pet use only” (an interesting situation if you ask me).  Our family usually drinks pasteurized milk from a local dairy, or a national organic pasteurized milk.  In my attempt to feed my family the most wholesome, nutritious diet possible, I am very interested in raw milk.  However, the FDA and CDC have mounted an attack on raw milk producers and consumers that is tantamount to war.  My question is, why?

On one side, you have the government organizations, that argue unpasteurized milk is incredibly dangerous, and that the health benefits of raw milk are unproven.  On the other hand, you…

View original post 593 more words

A few thoughts



I can’t believe im actually the only one awake! Dan and the kids are in bed, i just got out of the shower. I am still using my yucca root soap/shampoo and so is the family. It is so quiet right now, something that doesn’t happen often. I almost don’t know what to do with myself. I asked Dan today what he thought about living without electricity. He said that he wouldn’t mind as long as he could have a small generator for tv after dinner and the radio. As crazy as it sounds, maybe we should try it. Am I crazy for wanting this? Today the family went garage sale-ing. Camden, my husbands son, bought a bundle of candlesticks for $.05. Those candles were lit all over the house tonight. It was beautiful and cozy!

I have been thinking, gardens are great and all , but it doesn’t do much when our diets consist of mac & cheese and Micky D’s. Ok, so it’s not that bad but it still needs work. The baby is going to be the biggest challenge. That is what i will work on today along with finding cloth diapers??? Where can you buy them?!