Last night I had my first experience with the garden club. A few months ago, i did a program for a garden club in our area. I had never heard of the club before this. I was thinking about it the other day and it just so happened that our local garden club had a meeting that night. I went and I was very reluctant. I almost didnt go. Its so hard when you dont know anyone and I have always felt like nobody in the world but my husband understood me and thought like i do. I am glad now that i went though, it turns out theres tons of people like me! There were almost 30 people there, and nobody thought it was weird or anything that I am not going to have my baby in a hospital! I even walked away that night with a few white iris bulbs, a verbena plant and some lavender recipies! I even got a few phone numbers too! It is very inspiring to be around people like this!