My growing garden


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I went outside this morning to water my plants and the grass was covered in morning glories! They are just growing through the grass like dandilions. We just mowed the grass a few days ago and the morning glory vines were untouched apparently. Beautiful way to start the morning! 




Sweet Basil



Passion Vine


 Now, this i have had trouble with. Hens and Chicks. They are dissapearing on me! The two empty pots were filled with Hens and Chicks. They just dissapeared! I had two types of the succulent, and only one kind is comming up missing. The one in the picture, they havent touched… well at least i would think it would be some kind of animal. Why?



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Contentment. Ew. I hate that word. I know it is supposed to be a good thing but i just dont want to do it. I want time to go by faster and I want to have what i want now. I dont want to be content with where I am in life. I despise where I am right now. I know that i shouldnt and i would be a hell of a lot happier if i would just suck it up and deal with it. I should be happy where I am. I just got a new job working part time, making the same money as i did full time. Im pregnant with a precious baby. I love my husband, (I dont know how he deals with me). We have 2 beautiful boys and they are so healthy and happy. Why would i not be content?

I think my issue is control. Some things in life are uncontrolable and this makes me so mad. It makes me so mad that now, after moving, my midwife will not be able to deliver our baby. I have to go to the same doctor that delivered my baby Dom Dom. We did NOT get along. My doctor was all about intervention. Sometimes, intervention is nessessary but it makes a lot more sense to support the bodies natural functions rather than to take in into our own hands. We are just humans… Psht. We are nothing. God on the other hand, He knows. His design is perfect. Why ignore it?

So, this is where I am. I’m stuck with a doctor i dont like, and I can’t have a natural birth in my own home because of state law. Im PISSED. Just one of the many things that I do not have control over. I just keep thinking over and over, “If only we never moved” or “If only I hadnt quit my last job”. I know it doesnt help to think like this but im bitter. I feel my life is out of control just because its not in MY ccontrol. When I was in college, before i had a family i was so flexible with my life. I went with the flow and wasnt worried about anything. I also had much greater faith then. One step forward and two steps back. My fault, but thats the way it is. I have to fight so hard to get that back.

James 4:8 KJV
Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

So according to this I guess my first step would be to cleanse my hands. Boy, double minded is right! I want to be content, and give God control but the sinful part of me says screw that! Im going to be selfish.

A lot for me to think and pray about. Gardening is going to be my prayer time. I feel closer to God, its something i do twice a day without fail, and its quiet. Soon to come pictures of my growing garden!

The Garden Club

Last night I had my first experience with the garden club. A few months ago, i did a program for a garden club in our area. I had never heard of the club before this. I was thinking about it the other day and it just so happened that our local garden club had a meeting that night. I went and I was very reluctant. I almost didnt go. Its so hard when you dont know anyone and I have always felt like nobody in the world but my husband understood me and thought like i do. I am glad now that i went though, it turns out theres tons of people like me! There were almost 30 people there, and nobody thought it was weird or anything that I am not going to have my baby in a hospital! I even walked away that night with a few white iris bulbs, a verbena plant and some lavender recipies! I even got a few phone numbers too! It is very inspiring to be around people like this!



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My flower garden and potted plants really took off! I have really gotten into reading and studying all of it. My sunflowers are about 2 inches tall, My sweet basil almost died when it got caught in the rain one night. I didnt realize it was raining till morning. I was so afraid of root rot, because even though my pots had drain holes, them the compost i used really held the water. It was like heavy mud. So i poked a hole in the dirt, and stuck a tampon in it. It actually sucked up a lot of moisture. Then, I brought them inside and placed them by a sunny window. Fifty percent of my basil was lost from my accidentally leaving my flower pots in the rain. One sunflower out of fourteen died of root rot, and seventeen out of thirty marigold sprouts. The rest of my potted plants are ok though, Rosemary, Ageratums, Snapdragons, Chamomile, Thyme… there’s more but i can’t remember at the moment.

I think this is something I would like to do to make money. Maybe set up a small greenhouse on the side of our yard and put up a sign. Flowers for sale. I sure wouldnt need to charge much to make a profit. I have almost nothing in supplies. People keep giving me pots at garage sales. Oh! Speaking of garage sales, I picked up a food grinder that you make applesauce and spagetti sauce with. They also had a waterbath canner with the rack for ten bucks. They are out of their minds! I find those things every other sale for a few bucks. I passed on that one, although i do want one to go with my pressure canner that i still cant figure out how to use. Ill come across one soon enough. I am having great success of getting the tools im going to need to live self sufficiently. 🙂
